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La Acción Desinteresada de un Equipo Ayuda a las Familias Necesitadas

15 de Diciembre de 2023

There is something special about a neighbor helping a neighbor. Whether around the holidays or any other time of year, the selfless act makes an impact. But how does a chili cook-off benefit Elkhart families in need? 

Staff at the Elkhart service center planned for a chili cook-off in December. Sin embargo, el grupo quería hacer más que compartir la comida juntos: querían ayudar a su comunidad. Previously, I&M was approached by Monger Elementary School in Elkhart for more information about a grant to assist migrant families from Venezuela. They were in dire need of household items like laundry soap, toiletries, clothing, etc.

They were the perfect match for this team.

The day of the cook-off, bins were set up in the foyer for donations, which would be filled by a collection of items. The group also raised over $900 for these families.

I&M is invested in working together to support growth and the initiatives of the communities we serve. For more information on how we are powering the next community initiative, visit the community section of the I&M website.


"Vimos una situación peligrosa y corrimos hacia ella"

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"I&M Salvó a la Iglesia"

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Potenciado Por: Lee Rodenbeck, Administrador de Cuentas Clave

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