Agradecemos su paciencia.
5 de marzo de 2025
Season 13 is on the horizon for Downtown Fort Wayne’s peregrine falcon highflyers: Moxie and Jamie.
28 de febrero de 2025
A dedicated expert provides value when it comes to saving energy - and money - for a business. We are proud to recognize the providers who assist our commercial and industrial customers in enhancing energy efficiency.
25 de febrero de 2025
Nuestros clientes son el centro de lo que hacemos cada día. Creemos que nuestro trabajo, desde garantizar energía confiable hasta prestar servicio a las organizaciones locales en nuestras comunidades. También creemos en proporcionar recursos que garanticen que nuestros clientes tengan comodidad y seguridad donde más lo necesitan: en casa.
19 de febrero de 2025
Indiana Michigan Power has received the Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission’s (IURC) recent order regarding its large load tariff settlement filed in late 2024.
6 de febrero de 2025
A blanket of light ice accumulated across the Indiana Michigan Power service area late Wednesday into Thursday morning. Although our crews were prepared and ready to safely to respond, there were almost no power outages directly caused by the ice accumulation.
4 de febrero de 2025
I&M has employees and business partners in Indiana and Michigan ready to respond promptly and safely should customers lose service.
We provide safe, reliable energy to customers across two states, 30 counties and over 160 cities/towns. Al mismo tiempo que impulsamos hogares y empresas, también impulsamos el crecimiento y el éxito de las comunidades. From education to housing and human need, the impact from last year will be seen well into the future.
28 de enero de 2025
Your home and contact information are specific to you - so why not ensure everything is up to date in your account at the start of this new year. Doing so can make sure you don't miss critical updates or information.
23 de enero de 2025
Indiana Michigan Power (I&M) is temporarily removing the traffic control on Tillotson Avenue on January 23, fully opening the road.
9 de enero de 2025
Indiana Michigan Power (I&M) will trim trees around transmission power lines in Jefferson, Scott, Washington, Harrison, Crawford, Dubois, Perry and Spencer counties beginning Thursday, January 9 and continuing through the end of February.
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