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Women in Power at I&M

From leading a nuclear plant, to overseeing vegetation management and driving economic growth – I&M has trailblazing and innovative women working to keep your lights on.

From leading a nuclear plant, to overseeing vegetation management and driving economic growth – I&M has trailblazing and innovative women working to keep your lights on.

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Right Tools Provide Exceptional Education Opportunities

Students deserve the opportunity for success at school - and teachers need resources to support that. Through a partnership with the AEP Foundation, teachers have access to resources to provide exceptional educational experiences at no cost to them.

Students deserve the opportunity for success at school - and teachers need resources to support that. Through a partnership with the AEP Foundation, teachers have access to resources to provide exceptional educational experiences at no cost to them.

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Los preparativos de primavera pueden convertirse en ahorros

Incoming sunshine will soon reveal green grass and memories of a snowy, wind-blown winter. Make time to clean up and prepare your home for warm weather ahead - it might equate to future savings.

Incoming sunshine will soon reveal green grass and memories of a snowy, wind-blown winter. Make time to clean up and prepare your home for warm weather ahead - it might equate to future savings.

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Bienvenido a la familia: primer huevo de halcón visto en FalconCam

A true sign of spring: the first peregrine falcon egg of 2025 was recently spotted on I&M's FalconCam. 

A true sign of spring: the first peregrine falcon egg of 2025 was recently spotted on I&M's FalconCam. 

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Diez datos interesantes sobre la red subterránea de I&M

We can see the work our line workers do from the air, but we also have crews working underground to supply power to our busy downtown areas. Here are ten facts you need to know I&M's Underground Network.

We can see the work our line workers do from the air, but we also have crews working underground to supply power to our busy downtown areas. Here are ten facts you need to know I&M's Underground Network.

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Reliable Power For Any Season or Situation

Our customers are the center of the work we do each day. Providing safe, reliable power to homes and businesses allows you to go about your day, uninterrupted. This is made possible by strategic reliability improvements that keep our communities powered in any season.

Our customers are the center of the work we do each day. Providing safe, reliable power to homes and businesses allows you to go about your day, uninterrupted. This is made possible by strategic reliability improvements that keep our communities powered in any season.

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Smart Meter Provides Customer with an Energy Win

The right technology can help to simplify a situation - this includes your home's smart meter. When a customer noticed something looked off on their monthly bill, information from this smart technology offered a solution.

The right technology can help to simplify a situation - this includes your home's smart meter. When a customer noticed something looked off on their monthly bill, information from this smart technology offered a solution.

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I&M Elevará el Nivel del Embalse a los Niveles de Funcionamiento de Primavera y Verano en la Planta Hidroeléctrica de Elkhart

The reservoir will slowly be raised approximately six inches per day over a four-day period.

The reservoir will slowly be raised approximately six inches per day over a four-day period.

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Cómo puede cambiar su factura entre la nieve y el sol

Each season has its own unique characteristics. The transition from inches of snow to warm sun can change how you dress and where you spend your time. It can also impact your home - including your monthly energy bill.

Each season has its own unique characteristics. The transition from inches of snow to warm sun can change how you dress and where you spend your time. It can also impact your home - including your monthly energy bill.

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El lugar adecuado, el momento adecuado, la formación adecuada

A Cook Coal Terminal employee receives AEP Hero Award after his training saves a life.

A Cook Coal Terminal employee receives AEP Hero Award after his training saves a life.

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