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Aquí no Hay Gato Encerrado: Amor por los Animales y la Comunidad

12 de abril de 2024

A menudo, lo que lleva a una persona al voluntariado es una pasión específica que siente por una organización o causa. This can develop from professional ventures or from a personal connection. Para Tyna Reiter, de I&M, su pasión por ayudar a los animales hizo crecer de manera sostenida su amor y sus ganas de apoyar a su comunidad. 

What organizations do you volunteer with and what are your roles within those opportunities?

In my free time, I volunteer as a foster for animals and at events with Fort Wayne Animal Care and Control, Fort Wayne Pitbull Coalition and Humane Fort Wayne. On occasion, I also help at events for HOPE's Harbor and the Turnstone Center for Children and Adults with Disabilities. Since joining I&M, I have joined in the United Way Day of Caring, Junior Achievement events and Salvation Army's holiday service opportunities.  

Briefly describe what your responsibilities are in your volunteer roles.

I have always had a passion for animals and have been able to foster both puppies and kittens several times over the years. I love helping at events and am excited to get further involved with local organizations as a board member.

How long have you done volunteer work?

I have been volunteering for things and events as long as I can remember.

What drives you to volunteer your time in the community?

I just enjoy being able to lend a hand and help. Having a background in nonprofit work and animal welfare, I understand the struggles and the desperate need to have someone willing to help. So, that is what I do and it drives me to serving within the community.

In your opinion, why should someone who doesn’t volunteer, sign up to do it?

I would recommend someone to just try it. Find an opportunity you are passionate about or one that is close by, and then ask yourself, why you didn't try this sooner. Focus on the joy you received from serving others and absorb how fulfilling it is to know that you made a difference in someone's life.

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