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Cómo Ahorrar Energía Durante los Cambios Estacionales

29 de abril de 2024

Life in the Midwest presents a common trend: the tale of two seasons. In an instant, that same driveway where you just washed your car is now covered in a thin layer of snow. Maintaining attire to keep up with the winter-spring-summer shift can be tricky, so how can homeowners also stay energy-efficient during these seasonal swings? 


Before adjusting the thermostat to reflect the conditions outside, take a minute to adjust to the current indoor temperature setting. During a temporary warm spell, the house may feel cool but still warmer than what is common this time of year. Once adjusted to the interior temperature, set the thermostat to where you are most comfortable. Chances are, cranking the heat or air conditioning won't be necessary.

Nature’s Light

While each season features gray skies, we do still receive ample sunlight. As the days grow longer, periods of daylight will also be extended. Using this natural light can mean holding off on lamps and overhead lighting for later in the evening. This saves energy and uses the light from the sun.

Adjust Your Fan

When used appropriately, a ceiling fan is one of the most versatile features of a home. It also offers homeowners energy savings. During cool weather, fans should be set in a clockwise rotation. With this setting, warm air trapped near the ceiling can be circulated through the entire room, making it feel warmer. With warmer conditions, adjust ceiling fans to a counterclockwise rotation. This direction creates artificial breeze, making the room feel cooler.

With warmer months ahead, simple practices can help ensure comfort and energy savings, including:

  • Install a Wi-Fi/smart thermostat. If you set your thermostat higher during the summer months, you’ll reduce cooling costs by about 4% for each degree of adjustment. Homeowners can utilize I&M’s Marketplace to purchase a smart thermostat. A full list of appliances, electronics and more is available on the Marketplace website.  
  • Consider additional laundry options. Set your clothing dryer to a cooler setting and hang clothes to dry when possible. This eliminates unwanted heat in the house.
  • Move furnishing away from floor or return air vents. Make the most of an air conditioning unit and don’t block cool air from entering a room.
  • Take steps to be energy efficient year round. For comfort at home, and on your wallet, a free Revisión de Energía en Línea can identify additional energy-saving opportunities. 

For additional energy-saving tips, visit to find products, rebates and discounts to help you save even more.


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