The right technology can help to simplify a situation - this includes your home's smart meter. When an Indiana Michigan Power (I&M) customer noticed something looked off on their monthly bill, information from this smart technology offered a solution.
We all use energy differently. Through your smart meter, you can track when and how you use energy, specific to your home. By regularly viewing your Home Energy Update, you can stay informed and ready to take correct energy actions, if needed. Doing this helps prevent a potentially higher monthly bill, and it can also create good energy habits for the future.
For one customer, tracking available through their smart meter provided a solution to a concern raised about their monthly bill.
After receiving a higher bill than expected, an I&M customer contacted Customer Service to walk through why their amount was so high. The catch? The home in question had been unoccupied for a couple months. Upon testing the smart meter, it was noted that it was functioning within standard operational guidelines. This left the customer more concerned, knowing something was happening to cause their bill to be high.
Since the home had a smart meter installed, the Customer Service representative recommended viewing the Home Energy Update. This would allow the homeowner to see when higher levels of energy were being used. Access to this report is available through an I&M account, with the option to customize notifications to alert when energy use is higher than normal. Upon looking at the report, specifically the daily usage, the customer discovered the cause and was able to make immediately corrective actions.
Smart meter technology helps keep customers informed and safe during blue sky days or when the weather takes a turn - and everything in between. For customers completing an updated home energy profile, custom energy efficiency tips are shared specific to the home the meter is set. By having this insight, customers can adjust in real time to avoid a higher bill reflecting higher usage.
Learn more about how to benefit from the information gathered with your smart meter through similar communications on our sitio o en el I&M smart meter webpage.