The time has officially come for homeowners to prepare for the cooler months ahead. During October's National Energy Awareness Month, Indiana Michigan Power (I&M) is encouraging homeowners to incorporate simple energy - and potentially money- saving practices.
Launched in 1991, National Energy Awareness Month highlights the importance of sustainably managing our energy resources. Through its innovative tips, products and programs, I&M provides insight on how to be more energy efficient year-round.
I&M is also turning to its customers for input. Cooler temperatures prompt the long-standing dilemma of when to turn the heat on and what setting is appropriate. Homeowners are invited to complete a short “Thermostat Never Have I Ever” survey to reveal what their unique comfort level is during colder months. This survey will be available October 1-15. I&M customers completing the survey will be entered to win one of five $50 gift cards.
Join I&M this month for energy-saving tips and programs, information regard income-qualified assistance and results on our “Thermostat Never Have I Ever” survey. For additional energy-saving tips, head to o to find products, rebates and discounts.
Up Next: I&M Highlights How to Find ‘Watt’ Uses Energy at Home