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Ayude a que I&M les Agradezca a Nuestros Trabajadores de Líneas Dedicados

9 de abril de 2024

After storms move through, leaving behind a devastated path of downed wires, snapped poles and damaged structures, lineworkers often serve as first responders to safely secure the area. This can mean sacrificing time with their families, working 16-plus hour days and battling some of the most difficult conditions. 

Weathering the storm is just another day on the job. Ahead of National Lineworkers Appreciation Day, we acknowledge the challenging work of utility lineworkers who commit each day to keeping the lights on and ensuring comfort for our customers. 

Join us in saying thank you to the crews who service your area. On National Lineworker Appreciation Day, April 18, we'll give messages from the community to our dedicated lineworkers and the teams that support them. Send a Thank You message here.

In 2023, we received over 2,000 messages of gratitude for our lineworkers, including:

“I want to say thank you to all the Lineworkers and Support Team for putting your lives in actual harm’s way to help keep us all safe and where we can enjoy a huge piece of life’s luxury ... ¡¡¡ENERGÍA para que disfrutemos todos los días y para todas nuestras necesidades diarias!!! Thank you again and keep safe!” – Tammy, Paw Paw, Mich.

"Gracias por todo lo que hacen y por arriesgar su vida de tantas maneras distintas cada vez que van a trabajar. Un reconocimiento especial para sus familias por apoyarlos y resignar momentos valiosos que podrían pasar con ustedes. Keep up the great jobs you do and stay safe out there.” – Michelle, Muncie, Ind.

“We appreciate how quickly power was able to be restored after our recent tornadoes. We thought for sure we would be without power for a few days, but we got it back on within 12 hours thanks to your hard work!” – Alexandra, Swayzee, Ind.


24 Horas, Innumerables Formas de Ahorrar

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