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Ilumine el Camino Ayudando a los Demás

19 de abril de 2024

Volunteers can light the way for a community. A simple smile or warm meal can be a small but impactful way of showing compassion. For I&M's Deb Wilkerson, it was a light inside of her, and a calling to serve others, that has sparked a love for volunteer work.  

What organizations do you volunteer with and what are your roles within those opportunities?

Thanks to my job at I&M, I have volunteered alongside my coworkers at the Ronald McDonald House Charities, the United Way's Rake a Difference and E3 Robotics. For over 10 years, I also served as Louie the Lightening Bug, the official mascot of I&M, until my "unofficial" official retirement. In my personal time, I help at South Bend Hope Ministries' annual Thanksgiving event, which I have done for over three years. 

Briefly describe what your responsibilities are in your volunteer roles.

In my role with the South Bend Hope Ministries, I deliver Thanksgiving meals to South Bend residents who are homebound or on a fixed income with no place to go for the holiday. Not only am I delivering meals, but I am delivering smiles, empathy and a listening ear, too. Often, I have found residents are more excited about seeing me to have a chat instead of the meal I delivered, which warms my soul! With my other volunteer roles, I have done anything from raking leaves, distributing donated toys for hospital-bound children and supporting youth who are interested in STEM (science, technology, engineering and math). You name it - I can do it!

What drives you to volunteer your time in the community?

I believe that I am truly blessed and am called to be a servant to others. I absolutely love helping people, no matter the age.

In your opinion, why should someone who doesn’t volunteer sign up to do it?

One may think they would only be giving of themselves, but they also receive back as well from their service. What does one receive back? The realization that they made a positive difference in a person's life or helped their community become a better place.


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