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Los Verdaderos MVP: Padres que Trabajan y Responsables del Cuidado de Pacientes

9 de mayo de 2024

Organized, effective communicator and listener, leads with grace under pressure and a great team player - all skills relevant in the workplace and as a mother. With this Sunday being Mother's Day, several Mom's and I&M employees are reflecting how they are working caregivers. 

Katie Davis and her family.

Katie Davis, vice president of External Affairs and Customer Experience, has a full plate leading a robust I&M team and keeping up with her 12-and-9-year-old daughters Emma and Kaisa, and 4-year old bonus son Mikey. She’s also expecting her third baby girl due in September.

"Being a people leader can be a humbling experience as is being a parent," Davis said. "Some things I've learned at work that I use in my personal life is to listen for understanding, not just to respond as well as patience and flexibility."

For Jennifer Amadeo, Customer Design supervisor in Fort Wayne, flexibility and I&M’s family first attitude allows her to attend doctor visits, sick days and daycare events for her 3-year-old son, Cash.

"My favorite thing about being a mother is getting to experience life through my son's eyes," Amadeo said. "Even the smallest thing can be so fun and exciting, like dandelions being beautiful flowers or jumping in puddles. It just reminds you to appreciate the little things. He also gives the best big hugs."

Along with the hugs, mom to three children and two bonus children – aged 21 to 11, Shanelle Sellers, Distribution Work Plan Manager, enjoys watching her kids become their own person.

"I love seeing my kids - MaKayla, Colby, Andrew, Samantha and Derek - embody the 'work' I've poured into them as their mother," Sellers said. "As a parent it often feels like you're never going to get it right. But when you see those moments of your kid living the lessons you've taught them, it makes all those door slams and silent car rides worth it."

Jennifer Amadeo and her family.

All three mothers agree they enjoy being working parents and caregivers, especially at I&M.

"I get to set an example for my son of how your work can have a bigger impact than you may have originally thought possible," Amadeo said. "It's so cool to be a part of a company that puts safety first as well as doing everything possible to serve our customers, while taking things like sustainability and advancing technology into account. I hope to inspire my son to make a difference when he has the chance!"

As we all know, being a working parent and caregiver can take a toll on our mental health. Most caregivers often put themselves last.

"Just like they tell you on airplanes to put the oxygen mask on yourself first before helping others, the same applies in our day to day," Davis said. "If you don't schedule a break, your body will take one for you and it probably won't be at a convenient time. Taking care of your own mental, emotional and physical health is just as important as taking care of those things for your kids."

Shanelle Sellers and her family.

American Electric Power, I&M's parent company, has an Empowered Parents & Caregivers Employee Resource Group to support, encourage and uplift families by helping those balancing their careers while caring for dependents or elders through resource advocacy, education, and community. The group hosts learning sessions, social events and newsletters to engage with its 240+ members.


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