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Who is PJM and How Does I&M Work With Them

I&M customers might recall seeing “PJM” mentioned during extreme weather or listed on a monthly bill but may not know who they are or how I&M works with them.

I&M customers might recall seeing “PJM” mentioned during extreme weather or listed on a monthly bill but may not know who they are or how I&M works with them.

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Homenajeamos a nuestros ingenieros

We are highlighted a few of I&M’s engineers during and beyond National Engineers Week. While their job is quite technical, they have one goal – to be innovative for our customers.

We are highlighted a few of I&M’s engineers during and beyond National Engineers Week. While their job is quite technical, they have one goal – to be innovative for our customers.

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Comunidad Destacada: Fort Wayne Trails

Whether by bike or on foot, the ever-growing map of the Fort Wayne Trails prompts outdoor exploration for all - in any season. 

Whether by bike or on foot, the ever-growing map of the Fort Wayne Trails prompts outdoor exploration for all - in any season. 

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I&M nombra a los 2024 Trade Allies of the Year

A dedicated expert provides value when it comes to saving energy - and money - for a business. We are proud to recognize the providers who assist our commercial and industrial customers in enhancing energy efficiency. 

A dedicated expert provides value when it comes to saving energy - and money - for a business. We are proud to recognize the providers who assist our commercial and industrial customers in enhancing energy efficiency. 

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Las opciones de ayuda con el pago respaldan la comodidad del cliente en el Inicio

Nuestros clientes son el centro de lo que hacemos cada día. Creemos que nuestro trabajo, desde garantizar energía confiable hasta prestar servicio a las organizaciones locales en nuestras comunidades. También creemos en proporcionar recursos que garanticen que nuestros clientes tengan comodidad y seguridad donde más lo necesitan: en casa.  

Nuestros clientes son el centro de lo que hacemos cada día. Creemos que nuestro trabajo, desde garantizar energía confiable hasta prestar servicio a las organizaciones locales en nuestras comunidades. También creemos en proporcionar recursos que garanticen que nuestros clientes tengan comodidad y seguridad donde más lo necesitan: en casa.  

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2.6.2025 Actualización del Clima Invernal

A blanket of light ice accumulated across our service area late Wednesday into Thursday morning. Although our crews were prepared and ready to safely to respond, there were almost no power outages directly caused by the ice accumulation.

A blanket of light ice accumulated across our service area late Wednesday into Thursday morning. Although our crews were prepared and ready to safely to respond, there were almost no power outages directly caused by the ice accumulation.

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Las cuadrillas de I&M se prepararon con anticipación a las condiciones de hielo previstas

I&M has employees and business partners in Indiana and Michigan ready to respond promptly and safely should customers lose service.

I&M has employees and business partners in Indiana and Michigan ready to respond promptly and safely should customers lose service.

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Cree un Plan de Acción para Ahorrar Energía en el Gran Juego

Whether you tune in for the game or the commercials, making your Big Game gathering energy efficient will promote you as MVP for the night. Prevent fumbles by following simple practices to help save energy, and potentially money, on your next energy bill.

Whether you tune in for the game or the commercials, making your Big Game gathering energy efficient will promote you as MVP for the night. Prevent fumbles by following simple practices to help save energy, and potentially money, on your next energy bill.

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Comience 2025 Seguro: El equipo de Avilla Line supera el hito

El Departamento de Línea logró 20 años sin un evento registrable de OSHA. ¿Cuál es la clave de su éxito?

El Departamento de Línea logró 20 años sin un evento registrable de OSHA. ¿Cuál es la clave de su éxito?

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I&M pone el Poder en la Confiabilidad

Un hogar para la comodidad o un espacio de oficina equipado para la productividad de los empleados: ambas cosas no son posibles sin energía segura y confiable. Nuestra prioridad es proporcionar a los clientes el mejor servicio posible. Servicio, que apoya la rutina y la vida cotidiana.  

Un hogar para la comodidad o un espacio de oficina equipado para la productividad de los empleados: ambas cosas no son posibles sin energía segura y confiable. Nuestra prioridad es proporcionar a los clientes el mejor servicio posible. Servicio, que apoya la rutina y la vida cotidiana.  

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